2014년 6월 7일 토요일

미국:Rhino, Grasshopper, VisualArq 워크샵

LA에 기반을 둔 디자인 회사인 SomewhereSomething에서 올해 여름에 Rhino 및 Rhino 관련 워크샵을 몇 차례 실시합니다. 초급, 중급으로 분류되어 있으며, 원하시는 워크샵을 선택하셔서 등록하세요.

2014년 여름 일정:
  • Advanced Rhino: Case Study 6월 21일~22일 Participants will use Rhino to model a residential project in detail. The model will then be “sliced” up to create a standard set of architectural drawings.
  • Intro to Grasshopper: 6월 28일~29일 This 2-day introduction to Grasshopper will focus on an overview of the plug-in, geometry types, geometry construction and transformation, list and data tree management.
  • Rhino + VisualARQ for Architecture: 7월 19일~20일
    This session will focus on Rhino’s powerful drafting & layout tools. The plugin VisualARQ will be utilized to add architectural features and parametric architectural objects that generate and update 2D drawings in real-time.
  • Armed Forces: 8월 2일~3일
    Each participant will fabricate and assemble a small prototype of a multi-axis arm, controlled with a variety of sensory inputs. The project will be developed in Grasshopper and Firefly, using the Arduino microcontroller.

  2558 N. San Fernando Rd, Studio A8
  Los Angeles, CA 90065

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